Resources for Coastal Planners & Decision Makers
Climate + Ecosystem Maps and Viewers
Massachusetts Climate Clearinghouse: Gateway to data and information relevant to climate change adaptation and mitigation across the state.
Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation Assessment Tool: summaries of authoritative datasets for Counties, Census Tracts, and Tribal Lands that let users examine the intersection of climate data with other federal information products such as the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool and Building Code Adoption Tracking.
NOAA Digital Coast Data and Viewers: Range of digital viewers such as SLR, elevation, land cover, weather, marine habitat, water quality, etc.
NOAA Digital Coast Academy: Training modules to understand available data.
MA CZM Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Viewer: MC-FRM and Sea Level Rise viewers developed by Woods Hole Group in collaboration with Commonwealth
EEA BioMap Hub: Tool to guide strategic protection and stewardship of lands and waters that are most important for conserving biological diversity in Massachusetts.
UMass Conservation Assessment and Prioritization System: ecosystem-based approach for assessing the ecological integrity of lands and waters and subsequently identifying and prioritizing land for habitat and biodiversity conservation.
MassBays Assessment Areas: Details the 68 "assessment areas” across the MassBays region, each covering a specific estuary, beach, or rocky shore.
Social and Environmental Justice
ResilientMass Guides for Equitable and Actionable Resilience: Data and guidance to assess climate change impacts, and actions/ case studies for building community resilience.
EOHHS MA Environmental Public Health Tracking: Community profiles that provide a snapshot of environmental health across the state.
EPA Environmental Justice Screen: National environmental justice screening and mapping tool.
MA EEA Environmental Justice Viewer: Massachusetts-specific EJ map
MEPA Environmental Monitor: Bi-weekly publication that provides notice of new projects submitted to MEPA , other projects currently under review, certificates, and public notices.
North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative Data Center: Map of searchable stream crossings in the region.
Water Quality + Restoration
MassDEP INSPIRE: Ideas for Nonpoint Source Projects: Information, Resources, and Examples
CZM Coastal Landscaping Index: Landscaping options for controlling coastal erosion, preventing storm damage, and enhancing wildlife habitat.