The Eight Towns and the Great Marsh Committee

The Eight Towns and the Great Marsh (8TGM) is a committee of citizens dedicated to the protection and restoration of coastal habitats and watershed on the upper North Shore of Massachusetts. The committee is made up of representatives from the following municipalities: Amesbury, Essex, Gloucester, Ipswich, Newbury, Newburyport, Rockport, Rowley and Salisbury. The committee serves as the Upper North Shore Local Governance Committee (LGC) for the Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Program.



Amesbury Representative

Currently Open


Essex Representative

Peter Phippen

Selectmen, Town of Essex & Former MassBays Upper North Shore Regional Coordinator


Gloucester Representative

chuck Schade

Conservation Agent, City of Gloucester


Ipswich Representative

Jennifer Hughes

Vice Chairperson Conservation Commission, Town of Ipswich


Ipswich Representative

Mary Lester

Conservation Agent, Town of Ipswich


Newbury Representative

Kristen Grubbs

Planning Director, Town of Newbury


Newbury Representative

Geof Walker

Selectmen, Town of Newbury


Newburyport Representative

Julia Godtfredsen

Conservation Agent, City of Newburyport


Newburyport Representative

Adam Armstrong

Harbor Commissioner, City of Newburyport


Rockport Representative

John Lopez

Conservation Agent, Town of Rockport


Rowley Representative

Robert Snow

Selectmen, Town of Rowley & MVPC Board of Commissioners


Salisbury Representative

Jane Purinton

Former Conservation Commissioner, Town of Salisbury


Salisbury Representative

Julie Doughman Johnson

Vice Chairperson Conservation Commission, Town of Salisbury